I'm soooooooooooooooooo TIRED of everyone being against President
Obama. Just 3 1/2 years ago everybody was all for him so how is it that
now, after all he has done, everyone has something negative to say?
Let me remind you all of who was the leader of the "free world" for 8
years... Yeah George...oh or did you all forget that. By far (in my
personal opinion) the most ignorant SOB that has ran this country!
Yeah I'm not afraid to say this... Freedom of Speech dammit, its a 1st
Amendment Right!
However, this post is not about him, it is about President Barack
Obama. The man that the we all believed in, supported, and elected just
3 1/2 years ago. Why elect him if you all didn't believe? Why choose
him if you didn't believe he was the best candidate?
When I cast my first Presidential Election vote of my lifetime back in
2008 I chose Obama because he was the best candidate. A lot of people
may say oh you picked him because he is black. Oh really now?? Well
since we want to decide world-leadership on such things as race or even
gender why is that Hillary Clinton didn't win the Primary to go on to
win the presidency.
President Obama was the better candidate...PERIOD, and he just so
happened to be black! There were a lot of black people back in 2008 who
just voted just cause he was a man of color, and are now the same ones
waiting around for a muthaf'n handout just because he is black. What
were you expecting... For him to come hand deliver a remedy for your
particular situation right at your front door? Dumbasses.. That's not
how the politics of being President of the United States works! It
pisses me off to hear people say "oh I'm a democrat, yeah I voted for
Obama, but he hasn't done anything for me" #THEFUCK! What do you mean?
Let me break it down in simple terms for you real quick what Obama has
done for this damn ungrateful, ignorant ass country (and I will further
elaborate on this in my Part. 2 post). This man was elected in the
midst of this country going through one of the worst economic crisis
ever.. No thanks to Bush. Hell anybody that came after Bush definitely
would have had a hard time..look at the mess he made! I look at it from
a Marketing stand point... In public relations when things get all
jacked up a publicist is called in to do damage control... I feel like
that is exactly what has been done. Obama not only stepped in as the
President of the United States but as the Publicist of the United
States. This country needed someone to do damage control, that's all
that could be done in his 4 year term!
He has done everything he said he would do and some. He has rescued
this country from international embarrassment! The whole threat of the
government shutting down is not his fault, I'm sure it would have
happened to anyone else who would have been elected. He has done so
much for this country and the people of this country, and yet everyone
wants to spit on him and what he has done! Everything he comes up with,
regardless of its effectiveness, has been opposed by Republicans in
congress just cause it came from him! Can someone give the man some
credit!! DAMN... Like what does he have to do to satisfy the people of
this country???
I have a message for all the haters, the naysayers, the non-believers,
the shit talkers, the REPUBLICANS, the RACIST..... LEAVE MY PRESIDENT
THE HELL ALONE!!!! Let's go back to that grade school principle of: "If
u don't have anything nice to say.. Don't say anything at all",
especially if you are around me! I don't want to hear about you and
your personal problems in your life and how its all Obama's fault! Oh
really now, so because you made the decision to do whatever and you
can't do this that and the other its all the President's fault? NO..
That's is your fault your problem... Put your big girl/boy pants on and
DEAL WITH IT! Stop blaming your inadequacies on the Leader of this
country. If anything we should learn something from him, because even
through all the opposition and negativity he has still managed to
fulfill his goals. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, LEARN!
I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

About Me

- ms. undastood
- A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Reality of Reality TV
After having a conversation via twitter with one of my fav followers
@MrsValUable about reality shows, I was sort of motivated to do a post.
Now I will not sit here and try and perpetrate like I don't indulge in
the reality show craze. I definitely make sure to catch my weekly dose
of Real Housewives, Basketball Wives (aka Baby Mama's), Real World's,
Love & Hip Hops, Bad Girls Clubs, etc... (I could go on.. I watch a
lot of reality tv). I will agree a lot of these shows are dumb and
majority of the cast members are nothing to praise, but its
entertainment! As a college graduate with a B.S. in Marketing I
understand fully how sex, drama, and crazy antics sell sell SELL, which
is the number one reason why these reality shows have been taking over
tv and doing so well!
Now there are 2 reality shows in particular that puzzle me, and honestly have puzzled me since they started..... 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom. From the very beginning when MTV introduced these shows I was giving them the *side-eye* because I couldn't understand for the life of me why would they want to further publicize the issue of teen pregnancy. The issue of teen pregnancy has become more urgent in these recent years, with the number of pregnant teenage girls skyrocketing and groups of friends in 10th grade making Pregnancy Pacts!
I have given the shows a chance and have been a follower of the seasons thus far, believing in the bigger picture that MTV is trying to display with these shows. I truly believe that the intention of these shows was to depict the hardships of dealing with teenage pregnancy to the masses of teenagers out there who need a good warning! However, I am also very sure that the show is not having the "impact" on the masses that was intended. When I go to my local grocery store and I see magazines with headlines such as: "Teen Mom star arrested for fighting", I am irritated. I'm not so much irritated that they have made negative headlines but more so that they are referred to as "Teen Mom star"... when the hell did these chicks become celebrities?? Can someone let me know when the hell having a baby in high school became glamorous ? Why the hell are these chicks even relevant to make a headline on any newspaper, magazine, blog, news feed, etc... And better yet why are these girls getting paid to do this?
The intent of these shows has definitely been forgotten.. Its evident by the still increasing teenage pregnancy rate! The young people who are now watching these shows are not at home thinking "man that girl is dumb" and "I will never be that stupid", they are relating with them. Teenage girls are watching these chicks that are not too much different from themselves being publicized and turned into celebrities for what SHOULD be a punishable! So is it so far fetched to think that they would be looking up to these girls and trying to capitalize in their own lives just how these "Teen Mom Stars" have?
And where the hell are their parents? Who the hell are these people? All the kids that are shown on these shows are ALLLLL MINORS!! MTV has to be getting parental consent from someone in order to exploit the naïve adolescents! I know my mother and there is no way in hell she would give parental consent to go on tv to embarrass myself, her and the rest of my family!! Do these parents not care or is it about the quick pay off? They get a nice lil check from the producers for the exploitation of their children's mistake on tv sets across America, that's sick!
Granted I know babies are not cheap, and any kind of. financial assistance would be great for these young parents but what about that young girl who is TRYING to get pregnant just so she can have her 15 minutes of fame? What about that baby? What is this society coming to when this is just socially acceptable and we all stand back and watch? Over 30 years ago it wasn't even socially acceptable for you to be pregnant out of wedlock, so why now is it ok for Babies to have Babies? Ignorance is running rampant in this country. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE (and just because) LEARN!
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