Everyday is an ongoing struggle for me to press on and accept the fact that HEY this is what being an adult is all about. I just had my life spared from what could have been a near fatal crash (pictures below) to come to find out that my finances are not straight that my plans I had have to take an immediate detour and I'm just stuck like a duck in the mud.
I did something today that I need to be forgiven for... And that is to be ungrateful to God for his mercy and grace he has placed on my life ... He spared me which he did not have to do and here I am 2 days later letting all the pressures of my life weighing me down stating I should have just died on Saturday....... PAUSE ... Did I really just say that?
The burdens in life are there for a reason ... I know alll too well about dealing with the burdens and trials and tribulations of road blocks on the way to u life fulfillment... But just like in countless stories in the Bible where God had to test his people to build them up and make them strong and also to see how worthy they were to receive the blessings He had for them.... They NEVER complained ...
So its almost like I spoke curses onto God for blessing me with another day to live and breath and make right alllllll the wrongs... I take that back because that was not what I feel in my heart... What I do know is I have a greater purpose in life then I could ever imagine but God knows it and He is building me up and strengthening me for what is to come... For my destiny. So I hope that God will not forsake me or count my slip of the tongue during my emotional state against me.. For He knows my heart and yours too.. Confess with your tongue and it shall be.... LOVE LIVE LAUGH

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