Trayvon Martin was senselessly killed on February 26th. I didn't hear about his story until March 16th when the 911 tapes were released. I had seen a few people talking about #Justice4TrayvonMartin on my timeline but I didn't know what they were talking about. So on that Friday I googled him and from that moment on my heart and my soul was disturbed.
Trayvon Martin was a high school seniorwho played football. This 17 year old was headed back to his father's house during half-time of the NBA finals with Skittles and Iced Tea in hand. It was raining a bit outside so naturally he had on a hoodie, but it is that very hoodie that led George Zimmerman to racially profile this young man. As the 911 tapes suggest Zimmerman spotted Martin and assumed that he was up to no good. A friend of Zimmerman reported this week that there had been a series of burglaries and break-ins in the gated housing community recently and that George Zimmerman was fed up. That's cool and understandable, if I was the neighborhood watch captain I would be tired of having constant crimes happening on my watch also. Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher "These assholes always get away",it can be concluded that there has not been an arrest made in the past burglaries in the community. However, if there had not been an arrest made..... HOW DID HE KNOW THEY WERE BLACK? Did he just assume that all black men walking in hoodies are criminals up to no good! CLEARLY!! George Zimmerman was fed up and he decided to take matters into his own hands. From the moment he saw Trayvon Martin walking back into the gated community he had predetermined he was a criminal and that he intended to do something about it! In my eyes that is grounds for premeditated murder! He got out his vehicle and pursued Trayvon Martin, even after the 911 dispatcher told his ass to stay put!
Trayvon Martin was minding his own business, on the phone with one of his friends trying to make it back to the house before half-time was over. Witnesses and Zimmerman say that a fight broke out after Zimmerman approached Trayvon. But let's be real...if someone you didn't know was following you and confronted you what would you do... Try and run or defend yourself. Trayvon tried but he was fatally shot in the chest by Zimmerman's 9mm gun. This young man had to lose his life over a hoodie, he looked suspicious!
George Zimmerman is a bastard, the most Eff'd up part of all of this is that this muthaf'er is not even sitting in jail. They let him go that night. WHERE THE HELL IS IT OK TO SHOOT AND KILL SOMEONE AND YOU GET TO GO HOME AND SLEEP IN YOUR BED THAT NIGHT?? Trayvon Martin was killed nearly a month ago and the Sanford PD have yet to make an arrest. Zimmerman claimed self defense but what was he defending himself against...some skittles and an iced tea?
My heart breaks to know that this fat bastard is at home chillin while this boy is in a grave! The Sanford PD and Zimmerman need to be prosecuted. Homicide police didn't even report to the scene, Narcotics did! They ran a background check on Trayvon Martin as he laid dead on the wet ground, but not on Zimmerman! They took a blood sample on Trayvon Martin but not on Zimmerman. THEY LET ZIMMERMAN GO, but took Trayvon Martin's body to the morgue as a John Doe because they failed to ask any of the neighbors if he lived there! This story makes me sick and brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. I have a 15 year old brother and he could very damn well have to face a situation like this due to his black face... He is suspicious! I have taken time out to use my voice everyday to spread the word and get the info out there about this injustice. I plan to use all means of communication twitter, facebook, my blog, youtube, whatever I can to make people more aware. The fact that there aren't enough people as outraged as I am bothers me, but just a month ago everyone was going hard for Stop Kony 2012. Ya'll care about what happens 3,000 miles away but don't care about the shit that happens in your own backyard.. O_o!
Below I have attached a few articles and a link to the 911 tapes.
Why Black People Don't Trust The Police
The 911 Tapes
Below is an article by Michael Skolnik.... It is soo good and it gives a different kind of perspective definite must read and share with friends!
White People, You Will Never Look Suspicious Like Trayvon Martin by Michael Skolnik | Global Grind
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About Me

- ms. undastood
- A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Trayvon Martin.... giving a voice to the silenced
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