I'm soooooooooooooooooo TIRED of everyone being against President
Obama. Just 3 1/2 years ago everybody was all for him so how is it that
now, after all he has done, everyone has something negative to say?
Let me remind you all of who was the leader of the "free world" for 8
years... Yeah George...oh or did you all forget that. By far (in my
personal opinion) the most ignorant SOB that has ran this country!
Yeah I'm not afraid to say this... Freedom of Speech dammit, its a 1st
Amendment Right!
However, this post is not about him, it is about President Barack
Obama. The man that the we all believed in, supported, and elected just
3 1/2 years ago. Why elect him if you all didn't believe? Why choose
him if you didn't believe he was the best candidate?
When I cast my first Presidential Election vote of my lifetime back in
2008 I chose Obama because he was the best candidate. A lot of people
may say oh you picked him because he is black. Oh really now?? Well
since we want to decide world-leadership on such things as race or even
gender why is that Hillary Clinton didn't win the Primary to go on to
win the presidency.
President Obama was the better candidate...PERIOD, and he just so
happened to be black! There were a lot of black people back in 2008 who
just voted just cause he was a man of color, and are now the same ones
waiting around for a muthaf'n handout just because he is black. What
were you expecting... For him to come hand deliver a remedy for your
particular situation right at your front door? Dumbasses.. That's not
how the politics of being President of the United States works! It
pisses me off to hear people say "oh I'm a democrat, yeah I voted for
Obama, but he hasn't done anything for me" #THEFUCK! What do you mean?
Let me break it down in simple terms for you real quick what Obama has
done for this damn ungrateful, ignorant ass country (and I will further
elaborate on this in my Part. 2 post). This man was elected in the
midst of this country going through one of the worst economic crisis
ever.. No thanks to Bush. Hell anybody that came after Bush definitely
would have had a hard time..look at the mess he made! I look at it from
a Marketing stand point... In public relations when things get all
jacked up a publicist is called in to do damage control... I feel like
that is exactly what has been done. Obama not only stepped in as the
President of the United States but as the Publicist of the United
States. This country needed someone to do damage control, that's all
that could be done in his 4 year term!
He has done everything he said he would do and some. He has rescued
this country from international embarrassment! The whole threat of the
government shutting down is not his fault, I'm sure it would have
happened to anyone else who would have been elected. He has done so
much for this country and the people of this country, and yet everyone
wants to spit on him and what he has done! Everything he comes up with,
regardless of its effectiveness, has been opposed by Republicans in
congress just cause it came from him! Can someone give the man some
credit!! DAMN... Like what does he have to do to satisfy the people of
this country???
I have a message for all the haters, the naysayers, the non-believers,
the shit talkers, the REPUBLICANS, the RACIST..... LEAVE MY PRESIDENT
THE HELL ALONE!!!! Let's go back to that grade school principle of: "If
u don't have anything nice to say.. Don't say anything at all",
especially if you are around me! I don't want to hear about you and
your personal problems in your life and how its all Obama's fault! Oh
really now, so because you made the decision to do whatever and you
can't do this that and the other its all the President's fault? NO..
That's is your fault your problem... Put your big girl/boy pants on and
DEAL WITH IT! Stop blaming your inadequacies on the Leader of this
country. If anything we should learn something from him, because even
through all the opposition and negativity he has still managed to
fulfill his goals. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, LEARN!
I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

About Me

- ms. undastood
- A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Reality of Reality TV
After having a conversation via twitter with one of my fav followers
@MrsValUable about reality shows, I was sort of motivated to do a post.
Now I will not sit here and try and perpetrate like I don't indulge in
the reality show craze. I definitely make sure to catch my weekly dose
of Real Housewives, Basketball Wives (aka Baby Mama's), Real World's,
Love & Hip Hops, Bad Girls Clubs, etc... (I could go on.. I watch a
lot of reality tv). I will agree a lot of these shows are dumb and
majority of the cast members are nothing to praise, but its
entertainment! As a college graduate with a B.S. in Marketing I
understand fully how sex, drama, and crazy antics sell sell SELL, which
is the number one reason why these reality shows have been taking over
tv and doing so well!
Now there are 2 reality shows in particular that puzzle me, and honestly have puzzled me since they started..... 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom. From the very beginning when MTV introduced these shows I was giving them the *side-eye* because I couldn't understand for the life of me why would they want to further publicize the issue of teen pregnancy. The issue of teen pregnancy has become more urgent in these recent years, with the number of pregnant teenage girls skyrocketing and groups of friends in 10th grade making Pregnancy Pacts!
I have given the shows a chance and have been a follower of the seasons thus far, believing in the bigger picture that MTV is trying to display with these shows. I truly believe that the intention of these shows was to depict the hardships of dealing with teenage pregnancy to the masses of teenagers out there who need a good warning! However, I am also very sure that the show is not having the "impact" on the masses that was intended. When I go to my local grocery store and I see magazines with headlines such as: "Teen Mom star arrested for fighting", I am irritated. I'm not so much irritated that they have made negative headlines but more so that they are referred to as "Teen Mom star"... when the hell did these chicks become celebrities?? Can someone let me know when the hell having a baby in high school became glamorous ? Why the hell are these chicks even relevant to make a headline on any newspaper, magazine, blog, news feed, etc... And better yet why are these girls getting paid to do this?
The intent of these shows has definitely been forgotten.. Its evident by the still increasing teenage pregnancy rate! The young people who are now watching these shows are not at home thinking "man that girl is dumb" and "I will never be that stupid", they are relating with them. Teenage girls are watching these chicks that are not too much different from themselves being publicized and turned into celebrities for what SHOULD be a punishable! So is it so far fetched to think that they would be looking up to these girls and trying to capitalize in their own lives just how these "Teen Mom Stars" have?
And where the hell are their parents? Who the hell are these people? All the kids that are shown on these shows are ALLLLL MINORS!! MTV has to be getting parental consent from someone in order to exploit the naïve adolescents! I know my mother and there is no way in hell she would give parental consent to go on tv to embarrass myself, her and the rest of my family!! Do these parents not care or is it about the quick pay off? They get a nice lil check from the producers for the exploitation of their children's mistake on tv sets across America, that's sick!
Granted I know babies are not cheap, and any kind of. financial assistance would be great for these young parents but what about that young girl who is TRYING to get pregnant just so she can have her 15 minutes of fame? What about that baby? What is this society coming to when this is just socially acceptable and we all stand back and watch? Over 30 years ago it wasn't even socially acceptable for you to be pregnant out of wedlock, so why now is it ok for Babies to have Babies? Ignorance is running rampant in this country. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE (and just because) LEARN!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Reflecting to Healing!
I spill a lot of my heart and soul and personal pains in my blog, when I do decide to blog. This post here tonight is for no particular reason, I'm just feeling some kind of way. Feeling some kind of way about what you may ask? I look back at my previous post and I look at how I have exposed so much of my pain and heartache and what I have gone through in my personal life. Yeah, it comes off as a little foolish to have a whole blog devoted to allowing me to vent and express how I feel. But let me explain something......
There are not many people on the face of this earth who know me and I mean TRULY know me. There are many who feel that they read me like a book, but yet they still do not COMPREHEND who I really am! See I started blogging over 3 years ago in an effort to better myself. I was at a place in my life where I was going through a lot, emotionally and had no way of expressing it. Those who know me know that when I am emotional and upset, having a clear coherent thought is out the window. My head hurts, my mind is racing at 100 mph, and all I ever want to do is just go back to being the person I was 5 mins ago without a care in the world.
My cousin introduced the idea of expressing myself through writing, and it proved to be effective for me. Being able to write how I feel and what I am going through has helped more than anyone knows. It is crazy to go back and read what you wrote, and remember exactly what it was you were talking about and exactly what you were feeling at that very exact moment. And once you travel back to that moment, you fast forward to today... at this very moment and you think of how far you have come. To be able to reflect on the things in my life that I have struggled with and that have caused me pain and to take those things and put them into prospective in my life today... it is truly a beautiful thing. Not only does my blog empower me, but it allows me to put things in my life back into prospective. So at times when I feel like my life is going insane and I am doing bad, I can think back to the post on my blog and read them and see where I have been and how far I have come.
Yeah some may say why not just write in a personal diary. I look at it like this, if someone out there could read my blog and take something away from it to help themselves then I have done good...lol. Hell if someone can just read my blog and get a feeling that they're not alone or they're not the only ones that have been there and it makes them feel better... then I have done good. To be able to make an impact in someones life... regardless of how minor it may be... that is good enough for me. I know many people don't read my blog... and that is fine ... but for those who do I hope you take something away or at least have a good ass laugh. LIVE LAUGH LOVE
There are not many people on the face of this earth who know me and I mean TRULY know me. There are many who feel that they read me like a book, but yet they still do not COMPREHEND who I really am! See I started blogging over 3 years ago in an effort to better myself. I was at a place in my life where I was going through a lot, emotionally and had no way of expressing it. Those who know me know that when I am emotional and upset, having a clear coherent thought is out the window. My head hurts, my mind is racing at 100 mph, and all I ever want to do is just go back to being the person I was 5 mins ago without a care in the world.
My cousin introduced the idea of expressing myself through writing, and it proved to be effective for me. Being able to write how I feel and what I am going through has helped more than anyone knows. It is crazy to go back and read what you wrote, and remember exactly what it was you were talking about and exactly what you were feeling at that very exact moment. And once you travel back to that moment, you fast forward to today... at this very moment and you think of how far you have come. To be able to reflect on the things in my life that I have struggled with and that have caused me pain and to take those things and put them into prospective in my life today... it is truly a beautiful thing. Not only does my blog empower me, but it allows me to put things in my life back into prospective. So at times when I feel like my life is going insane and I am doing bad, I can think back to the post on my blog and read them and see where I have been and how far I have come.
Yeah some may say why not just write in a personal diary. I look at it like this, if someone out there could read my blog and take something away from it to help themselves then I have done good...lol. Hell if someone can just read my blog and get a feeling that they're not alone or they're not the only ones that have been there and it makes them feel better... then I have done good. To be able to make an impact in someones life... regardless of how minor it may be... that is good enough for me. I know many people don't read my blog... and that is fine ... but for those who do I hope you take something away or at least have a good ass laugh. LIVE LAUGH LOVE
Thursday, September 22, 2011
RIP Troy Anthony Davis
I was really moved this week with the Troy Davis story. Did I hear of it before this week...nope. But let's think... This whole "crime" took place in 1989..I was 2 years old in '89. I was unaware of the case, the story, and this man.
I don't want to go on and on stating the facts and the reports that have all been told to us via CNN and MSNBC. I would rather tell you how it made me feel and maybe someone out there feels me.
I first saw this man's name on twitter, and what got my attention was the fact that more than one of my followers was tweeting about him and the whole injustice. I didn't know anything so I did my favorite thing to do and GOOGLED IT. I read about the case and I wasn't surprised or outrage off bat about it. The only reason I say that is because we all have seen things like this happen before.
Example: I watch The First 48 every week (I'm sure you have caught an episode or two). We have all seen those cases where someone was killed and there is a group of suspects. There is always one suspect that actually didn't do anything but he is guilty just like the trigger man just because they were there! Even the people who claim it was an accident... they still go to jail!
Does it make it right that people are getting charged with Capitol murder for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time? The more I thought about it the more wrong it seemed and the more mad I got. What separates this case from just a regular murder case where the suspect will likely just spend the next 30 years to life in jail, is that Troy Davis was sentenced to death. Why death though? Is the crime he committed not the same crimes that happen on the First 48? They get to rot in jail, chillin but Davis gets the Death Penalty! Something doesn't seem right in my eyes.
As I sat on the edge of my bed last night watching the CNN report I was deeply sadden when they announced his appeal was denied. He ran out of appeals. This man had been fighting for justice & freedom for 20 years.!! I was so cold and hurt thinking about him sitting in a cell by himself everyday for 20 YEARS on death row, knocking on deaths door, not knowing when someone would answer. The torture of having a countdown on your last breathe, the last blink, the last time your heart will pump blood through your body, the last time your brain will have a thought. The shit is sick. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I felt numb knowing that this man who had so much doubt surrounding his guilt was laid out strapped to a gurney waiting for a bunch of old ass f*cks to decide his fate!
I had an interesting conversation with one of my coworkers (who is also black) about the whole thing and he told me that we as a culture (Black Americans) use the race card too much. I understood what he was saying an actually kind of agree. There are plenty of innocent white, yellow, orange, and black people sitting in jail, I don't doubt that. However, in this case I feel as if race played a big part.
I broke it down like this... The victim was a white cop in Savannah, Georgia. The suspect was a black man (any one will do), someone had to go to jail and die for the crime. But I think about it like this the cop was off duty, not in uniform how the hell is anyone supposed to have known he was a cop. To anyone there he was just a regular white guy. Yeah its wrong to take anyones life but let that cop just be a regular white civilian, would Davis had got life instead of the Death Penalty? Let's go even further... What if the cop had been black? What would the outcome have been then?
Its evident that race played a LARGE part in this case. Hell it was 1989 in Georgia.... GEORGIA yeah one of those confederate states that at one point of time felt like black people shouldn't have rights. Yeah I'm sure those cops were thinking "yeah we got the right ni**er to put this on" "and we're going to fry him for it".
Kanye said it best "Racism still alive they just be concealing it". So while some black people are walking around thinking that the playing field is equal out here in these streets of America... NEWS FLASH they aren't. There are still a lot of conservative racist people in this nation that are very much so stuck in the past. Yes there are Black people out here making big moves ..ie Obama.. hell he won the whole chess game for us. But we should still be aware of the wrongs that are still being done and use the power and knowledge that our ancestors fought and DIED for to CALL IT OUT!
By no means am I a racist.. Hell I love anyone that loves me dammit... But I believe in standing up for what's right regardless!
Who are we to decide who lives and dies?? Who gave humans the right to play God?? Who is to say that man wasn't innocent? Why was that decision left up to human beings? We are not perfect! Yes we may have been designed in the likeness of God, but don't get it twisted. We are flawed... MAJORLY. Those 7 out of the 9 witnesses who recanted there statements are F*CKING FLAWED! That goes to show you that we as humans aren't capable of judging, nor taking a life.
I truly believe an innocent man was killed last night, but he has gone on to better place with the Lord. He can finally have peace! And hopefully his death was not in vain but is the catalyst needed to open up our eyes, speak up, and speak out for change! Live Laugh Love
I don't want to go on and on stating the facts and the reports that have all been told to us via CNN and MSNBC. I would rather tell you how it made me feel and maybe someone out there feels me.
I first saw this man's name on twitter, and what got my attention was the fact that more than one of my followers was tweeting about him and the whole injustice. I didn't know anything so I did my favorite thing to do and GOOGLED IT. I read about the case and I wasn't surprised or outrage off bat about it. The only reason I say that is because we all have seen things like this happen before.
Example: I watch The First 48 every week (I'm sure you have caught an episode or two). We have all seen those cases where someone was killed and there is a group of suspects. There is always one suspect that actually didn't do anything but he is guilty just like the trigger man just because they were there! Even the people who claim it was an accident... they still go to jail!
Does it make it right that people are getting charged with Capitol murder for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time? The more I thought about it the more wrong it seemed and the more mad I got. What separates this case from just a regular murder case where the suspect will likely just spend the next 30 years to life in jail, is that Troy Davis was sentenced to death. Why death though? Is the crime he committed not the same crimes that happen on the First 48? They get to rot in jail, chillin but Davis gets the Death Penalty! Something doesn't seem right in my eyes.
As I sat on the edge of my bed last night watching the CNN report I was deeply sadden when they announced his appeal was denied. He ran out of appeals. This man had been fighting for justice & freedom for 20 years.!! I was so cold and hurt thinking about him sitting in a cell by himself everyday for 20 YEARS on death row, knocking on deaths door, not knowing when someone would answer. The torture of having a countdown on your last breathe, the last blink, the last time your heart will pump blood through your body, the last time your brain will have a thought. The shit is sick. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I felt numb knowing that this man who had so much doubt surrounding his guilt was laid out strapped to a gurney waiting for a bunch of old ass f*cks to decide his fate!
I had an interesting conversation with one of my coworkers (who is also black) about the whole thing and he told me that we as a culture (Black Americans) use the race card too much. I understood what he was saying an actually kind of agree. There are plenty of innocent white, yellow, orange, and black people sitting in jail, I don't doubt that. However, in this case I feel as if race played a big part.
I broke it down like this... The victim was a white cop in Savannah, Georgia. The suspect was a black man (any one will do), someone had to go to jail and die for the crime. But I think about it like this the cop was off duty, not in uniform how the hell is anyone supposed to have known he was a cop. To anyone there he was just a regular white guy. Yeah its wrong to take anyones life but let that cop just be a regular white civilian, would Davis had got life instead of the Death Penalty? Let's go even further... What if the cop had been black? What would the outcome have been then?
Its evident that race played a LARGE part in this case. Hell it was 1989 in Georgia.... GEORGIA yeah one of those confederate states that at one point of time felt like black people shouldn't have rights. Yeah I'm sure those cops were thinking "yeah we got the right ni**er to put this on" "and we're going to fry him for it".
Kanye said it best "Racism still alive they just be concealing it". So while some black people are walking around thinking that the playing field is equal out here in these streets of America... NEWS FLASH they aren't. There are still a lot of conservative racist people in this nation that are very much so stuck in the past. Yes there are Black people out here making big moves ..ie Obama.. hell he won the whole chess game for us. But we should still be aware of the wrongs that are still being done and use the power and knowledge that our ancestors fought and DIED for to CALL IT OUT!
By no means am I a racist.. Hell I love anyone that loves me dammit... But I believe in standing up for what's right regardless!
Who are we to decide who lives and dies?? Who gave humans the right to play God?? Who is to say that man wasn't innocent? Why was that decision left up to human beings? We are not perfect! Yes we may have been designed in the likeness of God, but don't get it twisted. We are flawed... MAJORLY. Those 7 out of the 9 witnesses who recanted there statements are F*CKING FLAWED! That goes to show you that we as humans aren't capable of judging, nor taking a life.
I truly believe an innocent man was killed last night, but he has gone on to better place with the Lord. He can finally have peace! And hopefully his death was not in vain but is the catalyst needed to open up our eyes, speak up, and speak out for change! Live Laugh Love
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
What U Missed!!
Haven't blogged in a minute (look at me now 2 blogs in one night).. So much has happened... Where do I begin...
Well first I lost my job... Yeah I got FIRED (please read below post My Job Sucks how about yours), from what could be the worst employer in America! And I got fired over some petty bullsh*t at that. Someone in Management had it out for me and then this douche bag ass individual (yeah the same one I called out from the below post) gets a promotion and he feels it necessary to get rid of the best person on the team!! What a jackass. They basically fired me for being a social butterfly & for having a conversation with another employer about being "black". #pause yeah being black I said it.
PSA: FOR ANYONE WHO DIDN'T KNOW............ I AM BLACK! (This public service announcement was brought to by KnowyourRaceKnowYourPlace.org)
But getting fired wasn't even awful. I LOATHED that place with an intense passion and I left making sure that they understood that! Yes I was all upset thinking about how bad the job market is and how I have REAL LIFE bills to pay now, but I was so relieved to be rid of that place!
But God had my back.. I was only unemployed for a month.. literally!! The Sunday of the week that I got my call back that I got my current job, I had went to church and I said it..."This is the week". I was always told that u have to speak things into existence, and I did! So now I'm employed with this great company making more money than before with better management *fist pumps*!
Let's see what else... Oh yeah I got taken off the available single girl market. Lol I know I know right, me!! Lol (I'm actually laughing while typing this), but no being serious I'm happy (most of the time). Those who know me know I'm definitely a tough cookie to deal with. But I'm happy and kind of excited I made the decision to go forward! We have our problems (more than a few..lol) but I think we kinda work, we are complete polar opposites but with some interesting things in common somewhere in the middle! I'm looking forward to see what happens and where this goes.
ALRIGHT enough mushy sh*t! So pretty much to wrap this up... I'm good, lifes good, living good...what more can u ask for? Live, Laugh, Love!
Well first I lost my job... Yeah I got FIRED (please read below post My Job Sucks how about yours), from what could be the worst employer in America! And I got fired over some petty bullsh*t at that. Someone in Management had it out for me and then this douche bag ass individual (yeah the same one I called out from the below post) gets a promotion and he feels it necessary to get rid of the best person on the team!! What a jackass. They basically fired me for being a social butterfly & for having a conversation with another employer about being "black". #pause yeah being black I said it.
PSA: FOR ANYONE WHO DIDN'T KNOW............ I AM BLACK! (This public service announcement was brought to by KnowyourRaceKnowYourPlace.org)
But getting fired wasn't even awful. I LOATHED that place with an intense passion and I left making sure that they understood that! Yes I was all upset thinking about how bad the job market is and how I have REAL LIFE bills to pay now, but I was so relieved to be rid of that place!
But God had my back.. I was only unemployed for a month.. literally!! The Sunday of the week that I got my call back that I got my current job, I had went to church and I said it..."This is the week". I was always told that u have to speak things into existence, and I did! So now I'm employed with this great company making more money than before with better management *fist pumps*!
Let's see what else... Oh yeah I got taken off the available single girl market. Lol I know I know right, me!! Lol (I'm actually laughing while typing this), but no being serious I'm happy (most of the time). Those who know me know I'm definitely a tough cookie to deal with. But I'm happy and kind of excited I made the decision to go forward! We have our problems (more than a few..lol) but I think we kinda work, we are complete polar opposites but with some interesting things in common somewhere in the middle! I'm looking forward to see what happens and where this goes.
ALRIGHT enough mushy sh*t! So pretty much to wrap this up... I'm good, lifes good, living good...what more can u ask for? Live, Laugh, Love!
The Unwritten Weave Code.. Are you a Violator?
So I was bored one day at work a while back and I decided to use my FAV social network site to express the awfulness of all of the bad weaves I see daily... This here is the Unwritten Weave Code...not to be taken as a joke (although it is quite hilarious). This is for all those chicks out there who think they are DOING IT, but in actuality your failing BIG TIME. So enjoy, take notes, hell I don't care Print it off and hang it up in your Bathroom.. but know that I state facts (that just happen to be funny) here it goes.....
I'm pretty sure there is like an unwritten code on how to wear weave
#1 make sure it matches UR hair texture.. Sincerely those nappy edges
Unwritten Weave Code #2 exposed tracks is a DEFINITE #epicFAIL.. And should be punishable by death.. #ijs
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #3 if ur a cheap ass individual u should NEVER wear weave.. Cuz cheap can be spotted a mile a way.. Its just not cute
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #4 if u know ur hair line is receding PLEASE pretty please get a bang.. Thanks from Big Foreheads LLC
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #5 #deathTo the Lace front that comes with its own baby hair..ie Brandy Norwood.. Like seriously that's shits awful
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #6 putting glue on anything that costs 100 plus dollars a pack... U simple Bish... What a waste
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #7 matching ur weave color to ur outfit choices...ur purple suit from easter.. Now u looking like Barney by the head smh
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #8 wet and wavy aint for everybody..just cuz its cute on ur homegirl (who has natural baby hair) don't mean its for u
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #9 if ur edges are NON EXISTENT please don't get tracks glued to the side of ur head but u got a sew-in o_O
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #10 weave brushes were made 4 a reason..INVEST IN ONE if u insist on wearing weave..no need 2 b looking like a bird's nest
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #11 STOP trying to pass ur weave off as ur real hair when we can see where one begins & the other ends
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #12 STOP letting your unqualified homegirl do your weaves...she does not have ur best interest at heart!!
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #13 the Weave Code applies to ALL races & nationalities..white girl ur "extensions" should not be nappy ie Ms.Aguilera
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #14 #deathTo the "natural" hair weaves.. Why get a sew-in of an afro when u can just wear ur hair??
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #15 stop trying to pass off ur Yaky hair as Indian Remy if u don't know what Indian remy is supposed to look like
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #16 weave is supposed to be free flowing not matted and sticking straight out ... Fix that shit
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #17 stop saying u have thin hair when ur ass walking around with all of 6 tracks in ur head.. Bish Bye!!
I'm pretty sure there is like an unwritten code on how to wear weave
#1 make sure it matches UR hair texture.. Sincerely those nappy edges
Unwritten Weave Code #2 exposed tracks is a DEFINITE #epicFAIL.. And should be punishable by death.. #ijs
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #3 if ur a cheap ass individual u should NEVER wear weave.. Cuz cheap can be spotted a mile a way.. Its just not cute
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #4 if u know ur hair line is receding PLEASE pretty please get a bang.. Thanks from Big Foreheads LLC
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #5 #deathTo the Lace front that comes with its own baby hair..ie Brandy Norwood.. Like seriously that's shits awful
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #6 putting glue on anything that costs 100 plus dollars a pack... U simple Bish... What a waste
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #7 matching ur weave color to ur outfit choices...ur purple suit from easter.. Now u looking like Barney by the head smh
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #8 wet and wavy aint for everybody..just cuz its cute on ur homegirl (who has natural baby hair) don't mean its for u
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #9 if ur edges are NON EXISTENT please don't get tracks glued to the side of ur head but u got a sew-in o_O
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #10 weave brushes were made 4 a reason..INVEST IN ONE if u insist on wearing weave..no need 2 b looking like a bird's nest
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #11 STOP trying to pass ur weave off as ur real hair when we can see where one begins & the other ends
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #12 STOP letting your unqualified homegirl do your weaves...she does not have ur best interest at heart!!
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #13 the Weave Code applies to ALL races & nationalities..white girl ur "extensions" should not be nappy ie Ms.Aguilera
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #14 #deathTo the "natural" hair weaves.. Why get a sew-in of an afro when u can just wear ur hair??
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #15 stop trying to pass off ur Yaky hair as Indian Remy if u don't know what Indian remy is supposed to look like
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #16 weave is supposed to be free flowing not matted and sticking straight out ... Fix that shit
#UnwrittenWeaveCode #17 stop saying u have thin hair when ur ass walking around with all of 6 tracks in ur head.. Bish Bye!!
Sunday, June 26, 2011
My Natural Hair Process!!! woot woot #teamNatural
So for those of you who did not know, I am all the way #teamNatural!! I have been growing my perm out for 16 months now, after I had to cut my hair off from a mis-managed sew-in.
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My Chemically treated hair! |
Anyways I had to make the "BIG CHOP" and cut all my hair off *sheds tear*. But because I had my sew-in in my hair for like 3 months a lot of my relaxed hair had grown out (your girl had like 4 inches of new growth).
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after the BIG CHOP |
The previous picture was taken like 8 months ago and was the shortest my hair has everrrrrr been ... omg but the hair cut ended up being real cute. Even though I was super hurt about cutting my hair off I stuck with growing my perm out! At the point when this picture was taken it had been 7 months strong with no chemicals. YAYYY MEEE!!
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this is my hair now |
The above picture was taken a few weeks ago, and yes this is the fully natural head of hair (excusing a few of my ends that have about an inch of relaxed hair left to be cut off). I prefer to wear my hair straightened, even in the natural state, my hair is 50 % thicker and healthier than it was in the above relaxed hair picture. I LOVE MY NATURAL HAIR!! I take very good care of my hair, washing and conditioning every week and getting my ends clipped every 6-8 weeks. But moving on.. I love the diversity that I have with my natural hair that I never could have with my chemically treated hair. My natural curls are pretty and yet still a little awkward looking. However, I have found a bunch of natural hair blogs and websites that have inspired my below pictures... I did it .. BANTU KNOTTING and this is how it came out.....
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the knots themselves |
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the end result! |
yes!!! I love it!! all of it!! I have received soooo many compliments on my natural bantu knotted hair! you can google bantu knotting for yourself and get the scoop on how to do them and how to they work for your hair. I did a dry bantu knot where I just worked with my hair dry and just used styling products to get the effect I was going for.
Tell me what you think ...
bantu knot,
black hair,
chemically processed,
cutting hair,
natural hair,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Cry me a River..... Casey Anthony Trial
I'm over Casey Anthony's trial ALREADY!!!!
Like I suspected her of being guilty back when she was out partying and taking pictures and posting them on Facebook. She has to be by far the dumbest person ever right now. And her Defense Attorney has to be the dumbest two lawyers ever.
So the trial has begun and the Defense has stated that the child drowned in the family pool back in June of 2008. Casey didn't feel it necessary to report that hey it was an accident and she fell and drowned in the pool. No, she hid the body and didn't even bother reporting to the police that the child was missing until weeks after the baby had supposedly "drowned". During all of this she is lying telling people "oh she is at Universal Studios with the Nanny" and "Oh she is at my boyfriends house". BULLSHIT!
After she decides she wants to report Caylee missing (again 3 weeks after she "drowned") police take on a 3 to 4 month search for the "missing child". During all of this Casey is out clubbing, kicking it, taking pictures taking shots, kissing girls and stuff. REALLY BITCH?
So here it is day one of the trial and from the beginning of the opening statements the bitch is shown boo hoo crying from the things being said in the courtroom. Again REALLY? Where the hell were the tears at when they were searching for the child you reported missing, even though you knew she was dead? Where were the tears when you put that baby's body in damn Hefty bag wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket? Where were the tears when you were out kickin it getting drunk all over Florida, while you had people out day and night searching for your already dead child?
This trial has been already named the Trial of the Century... Not in my book. This needs to end today, no need to drag out the inevitable. SHE IS GUILTY AND IS GOING TO JAIL. It would be wrong and unjust for the courts to let this trial go beyond this week without reaching a verdict. Reports say that the State has a pretty strong case, and we all remember the weeks and weeks of lies she told and the aftermath of all the sketchy behavior that Miss Anthony was displaying, which should be enough to convict her of Murder of her child.
Her legal defense is already pissing me off. First with this whole "drowned" story and then they want to bring in the accusation that Casey was sexually abused by her brother and father growing up which has caused her "emotional distress" causing her to react to the "drowning" of baby Caylee. #pause.. Come again now WTF!!!!!!!!! REALLY! Oh so now she is the victim! I'm shocked at her lawyers trying to run this whole psychological bullshit on us. If I were a Juror for this trial I would be appalled at the audacity of these lawyers trying to undermine my intelligence and ability to comprehend and put one and two together. I would honestly be pissed that the Federal court system is wasting my time with this BULLSHIT to begin with. I do not believe that there is anything that Casey Anthony's lawyers could say to change my mind and probably the majority of America's mind on her guilt... So let's just stop while we're ahead REALLY!
Like I suspected her of being guilty back when she was out partying and taking pictures and posting them on Facebook. She has to be by far the dumbest person ever right now. And her Defense Attorney has to be the dumbest two lawyers ever.
So the trial has begun and the Defense has stated that the child drowned in the family pool back in June of 2008. Casey didn't feel it necessary to report that hey it was an accident and she fell and drowned in the pool. No, she hid the body and didn't even bother reporting to the police that the child was missing until weeks after the baby had supposedly "drowned". During all of this she is lying telling people "oh she is at Universal Studios with the Nanny" and "Oh she is at my boyfriends house". BULLSHIT!
After she decides she wants to report Caylee missing (again 3 weeks after she "drowned") police take on a 3 to 4 month search for the "missing child". During all of this Casey is out clubbing, kicking it, taking pictures taking shots, kissing girls and stuff. REALLY BITCH?
So here it is day one of the trial and from the beginning of the opening statements the bitch is shown boo hoo crying from the things being said in the courtroom. Again REALLY? Where the hell were the tears at when they were searching for the child you reported missing, even though you knew she was dead? Where were the tears when you put that baby's body in damn Hefty bag wrapped in a Winnie the Pooh blanket? Where were the tears when you were out kickin it getting drunk all over Florida, while you had people out day and night searching for your already dead child?
This trial has been already named the Trial of the Century... Not in my book. This needs to end today, no need to drag out the inevitable. SHE IS GUILTY AND IS GOING TO JAIL. It would be wrong and unjust for the courts to let this trial go beyond this week without reaching a verdict. Reports say that the State has a pretty strong case, and we all remember the weeks and weeks of lies she told and the aftermath of all the sketchy behavior that Miss Anthony was displaying, which should be enough to convict her of Murder of her child.
Her legal defense is already pissing me off. First with this whole "drowned" story and then they want to bring in the accusation that Casey was sexually abused by her brother and father growing up which has caused her "emotional distress" causing her to react to the "drowning" of baby Caylee. #pause.. Come again now WTF!!!!!!!!! REALLY! Oh so now she is the victim! I'm shocked at her lawyers trying to run this whole psychological bullshit on us. If I were a Juror for this trial I would be appalled at the audacity of these lawyers trying to undermine my intelligence and ability to comprehend and put one and two together. I would honestly be pissed that the Federal court system is wasting my time with this BULLSHIT to begin with. I do not believe that there is anything that Casey Anthony's lawyers could say to change my mind and probably the majority of America's mind on her guilt... So let's just stop while we're ahead REALLY!
casey anthony trial,
caylee anthony,
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