I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

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A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue

So what the fuck is up with THE BABY MAMA'S of the world & their entitlement issues??? I'm soooo over these little young ass broads going around addressing themselves as "such & such's baby mama". First off, bitch you don't have a name? Second, you don't have an identity for yourself outside of being the mother of this child for this man? I am soo disgusted with these baby mama's getting on they high horse feeling all entitled to this man just because his sperm met up with your egg. Let's be honest bitch, if it wasn't your egg it would have been someone else's so you're not that special... you can have a baby & so can the next girl! Your uterus doesn't make you superior!

These women going around calling themselves BABY MAMAS, out here having these babies out of wedlock may be to trap a man or whatever the reason is.. They are so lost! And by no means am I judging women for having kids out of wedlock, hell my mother was a single parent and NOT EVER DID SHE EVER CALL HERSELF A BABY MAMA! But these baby mama's, whom truly don't have any other title in their life besides being a baby mama, are soo stuck! Like that's all you want in life is to be a BABY MAMA, you didn't think about maybe becoming a wife?

These little young broads are so wrapped up in that man who impregnated them, getting so caught out there with this "Baby Mama" title they have created for themselves (because let's be honest that is all you will be). I have had 2 baby mama encounters in my life and both times this young woman addressed herself as "The Baby Mama" not ohhh my name is such and such I'm the mother of such and such...nothing! My thoughts of course are that this broad doesn't think highly of herself & she is so caught up in her emotions for this man! This man who by the way has moved on & decided to start a new life with someone else. Yes you will forever be the mother of his child but YALL ARE NOT FUCKING TOGETHER ANYMORE!
Ya'll not together I don't give a FUCK     Bitch I am his BABY MAMA

Women please stop going around addressing yourself as baby mama's or even letting the father of that child address you as his baby mama... Its degrading & if you have any self worth you would never let yourself be demeaned to just a baby mama! Yes being a mother is a great accomplishment but it is not who you are it doesn't define you but it is just a piece of the puzzle that makes you ... You!

And men stop putting these broads on a pedestal just because she is the mother of your child. Yeah that's all great and dandy and yes you need to show her the utmost respect at all times because of that, but stop playing victim to these hoes and their entitlement issues! Stop appeasing to their every whim just because you need to stay on her good side! THE FUCK.. If you're a good father & you are on your shit .. That bitch should never have anything sideways to say to you... And if she does I need for yall to go, grow you a pair of balls and find a lawyer! Plain & simple! Stop letting these broads feel like they are ENTITLED to being your baby mama! If you don't know how to seperate being a father from being that womans man.. Than you need to go talk to a REAL man who has been there done that! You can be a great daddy to a child and not have a relationship with it's mother outside of being parents! So stop being victims of The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue & stop dating new girls who are willing & accepting of the fact that you have a child and also make them victims of The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue.. We don't have time for that shit!   Live, Laugh, Learn!


Dani C said...

This is the main reason a lot of relationships aren't lasting. Men are allowing their 'baby mamas' to ruin the good thing they have with their new ladies. You do not have to cater tot he mother of your child to be a good father. Once the relationship ends, that man's sole responsibility is to that child NOT the mother. It's sad that some women are using these babies to keep some type of hold on these men and keep them in their life. It's like is I can't have him I don't want him to be happy. it's pretty pathetic on their part. Be a MOTHER and not baby mama! Know the difference!

ms. undastood said...

So true! These women need to grow up and have multiple seats!

GsLee said...

This article just gave me life!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this article and this is how I feel. Men aren’t men and they love being a dumb chicks baby daddy and these hoes love being a dumb ninjas baby mama