I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

About Me

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A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 16: Behind every half-assing man is an enabling woman

I have come to the conclusion that I only say profound s*** late at night when I'm supposed to be sleep. 
One will only half-ass when allowed too. My mother did not accept half-assing on anything in her house..and she made sure that you understood what her expectations were just so you don't half-ass..and if you did half-ass there were consequences...period!
It is currently 1am and I felt compelled to do a blog post based off of a comment that I made on a friends Twitter post. She talked about dudes being pretentious and I decided to comment that guys are pretentious because we as women allow them to be.
Think about it, behind every messed up man there's a woman that can account for his actions either it is his mother or ex girlfriend there's usually a woman that can a be placed at fault.
I posted a picture on Instagram of basically how I felt about the comment and just simply summarized how I feel in general. We women have to do better we can not just accept any kind of b******* ass behavior from these guys, we have to stop letting them do, say, and act however they want and get away with it. We have to stop accepting half-assing. If men were forced to do better they would do better.... it's like Fabolous said "it if you knew better you do better" and they DO know better they just DON'T do better because they don't have to!
I'm not in the business of teaching somebody else's son how to be a man and step it up nor am I in the business of giving advice.... I am just merely a vessel of truth stating facts. Let's stop enabling each other and let's start speaking positivity into 1 another. If we allow them to continue to act a fool and get away with it while they are with us then when he moves on to the next he will just think hey it worked before let's do it again. Stop making excuses for the dumb s*** that he does and start realizing that he does it because you let him...and everything that he does does not always constitute a cuss out. We as women are so smart and so powerful and sometimes we just need to learn how to use our words "better"... you kill more flies with honey than vinegar.... or something like that. Speak to them and not at them they listen better...our so I'm told lol!
So women step it up so that the men can step it up...and then maybe we will have a better dating  environment for ALL of us! Yay

[PS this is stuff you should probably think about from day one when you first met ole dude....start strong finish strong...a good foundation will keep your "house" from sinking]

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New year social media reform

In a conversation I had earlier with my cousin I realized that starting this new year off with a clean slate is important....she told me that she plans to delete her main twitter page and use a more grown up page, where she can talk to people who have similar interest and viewpoints as her.
It took me a minute to understand where she was going with it but I am always constantly reminded of the dumb shit I run across on twitter. Yall will get on twitter and tweet some of the most ignorant shit I have ever heard..... Lets stop broadcasting our shortcomings people and our lack of depth....and if you fail to understand what my previous statement means then this applies to you more than likely.
I am pleased with my friends/followers on my social media guilty pleasures... the majority of the time, I have some great people that I follow that are insightful and hilarious which pretty much sums me up....and yet we get the few who slip in there with their ignorance..those are usually the ones who deceive us into thinking they are about something but really are not....the same people that complain about you talking about real shit or retweeting inspirational or encouraging things. I remember during the election seeing people I followed complain about people talking about the election....that is a deal breaker and grounds for an unfollow... If you know me you know I stay politically aware and up to date with what is going so if you don't care that's fine but don't say ignorant things to emphasize how much you don't care...it just makes you look dumb as a bag of bricks.
Anyways to keep this short lets move into the new year with a new mindset about or social media post and the kind of energy we are putting out in the atmosphere....lets still laugh about dumb stuff but lets also talk about important stuff...no one cares about the weed you smoking or the girl you screwing or better yet for that matter how you like to have sex....better yet lets retire throwback Thursdays, titty Tuesday, twitter after dark, and these damn number/rating games....SHATTT!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2: life and people

"God has a reason for allowing people to walk out of your life. Trust that he will ALWAYS replace them with someone even better." @ihateqoutes
This was the first inspirational thing I saw when I woke up. As I embark on this journey this year this will prove to be very important. A couple days before New Years I actually spent a long time in deep debate about the current people in my life and who should stay and who should go. It started to stress me so I just decided to pray for a spirit of discernment to fall on me in this new year.
I think about how much time I spent last year analyzing every situation I went thru and evaluating its propose and the lesson I was to learn from it. I did that with people too...I was so afraid of missing out on something great I was making a lot of unwise decisions and getting caught up in things I really didn't have time to focus on.
Going into this new year I have decided to weigh people by what they bring to my life or bring out of me....nothing but positivity. I don't want someone in my life that makes me angry and uneasy all the time. So much useless emotion was spent on useless people in my life last year.
My natural ability to be compassionate and overly caring often traps me into getting caught up in how I feel about someone for whatever reason....completely overlooking the reality of the situation....stressing me out!
So no more lectures to people who I spent an entire year lecturing to...if you haven't got it by now you won't get it...shrugs... Still love you tho...and no more getting caught up in my emotions  about others choices...at the end of the day I must realize that you made your decision and despite how much I try to make sense of it or make you see how you could better "manage" your decisions
It ultimately is your life....I can't play a supporting cast role when I'm never cast to begin with!!
So in conclusion God has allowed a lot of people to walk thru my life in the past several years...some great some not so great but I'm waiting on those better people he has promised me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013... Day 1

Well I'm going to work really hard to keep up with the blog this year along with some other things such as working out and living healthier and living with purpose. I didn't really make a new years resolution this year...I decided to just work on making better decisions all around. My pastor preached a good sermon on the last Sunday of 2012 that made me think a lot about my decisions and how they affect me. So my only resolution I would guess would be to be better than last year. I did a lot of learning this past year so now it is time for me to take what I learned and apply it. My pastor says that life is all about making decisions and managing those decisions...I think I understand what she was trying to say...so hopefully I will do better this year with that...
I just want to not repeat last year learn from my past but move past it and not dwell there...and to grow closer to my purpose and be a blessing to someones life...and live, love, laugh harder than 2012 lol. So here's to chapter 1 of 12, Page 1 of a 365 page book.....