Yesterday was truly a monumental day. I enjoyed being able to sit in the warmth of my house and watch the Inauguration of our 44th President Barack Obama. He is such an influential man and I am so happy that he is the new President. Him and his family are just so cool and have so much swag, they are a gorgeous family together. I love Michelle Obama, she is a beautiful, strong, independent black woman. They are just such a great family to aspire to be like. His speech was so good and I liked how he addressed everything and everyone, like worldwide. I love how his wife is always right by his side in everything that he does and how you can tell she is so supportive of him and everything he does. Yesterday when he was sworn in and she stood by his side and held Former President Lincoln's Bible for him she just looked so proud of her strong man, and she was happy to say that that is her husband, the President of the United States. I want that. I want someone to love me like that and I want to be able to love someone like that. They way they look at each other you can tell that they are just so in love and there whole family just looks so loving. I want that all one day, maybe not the whole campaigning for two years and becoming the President, but that whole being supportive of my man whatever he does ( even if he decides to be the President), and having a loving family and knowing that everyday he loves me and appreciates me for who I am and not what they wish I would be. I want a man to look at me and love me and say things like you are my backbone and my heart, the love of my life. I want to be the Michelle to some man's Obama one day and have that same love and devotion and support and trust. I thought I would be able to experience that but maybe if I pray enough God will bless me with that someday. I didn't cry during the swearing in ceremony, but I cred for a good ten minutes when Beyonce performed "At Last" by Etta James ( which is by the way one of my favorite songs and I have been planning to walk down the aisle to it since I was 14) at the Inaugural Ball and Barack and Michelle danced together. It was such a romantic and beautiful moment. I feel like under President Obama's administration that all of us will be able to experience some kind of beautiful moment over the next four years. I look forward to the next four, hopefully eight years and I know that We all shall over come.
Oh yeah I like the benediction to especially the part when he said " black won't have to get back, brown can stick around, yellow can be mellow, the red man can get ahead man, and white will do what's right", or something like that. I thought it was appropriate, that man walked with Dr. King and got to see all the hatred of the time. For him to be able to be alive and give the benediction at the Inauguration of the First Black President was truly monumental. I don't just love Obama because he is a black man, (honestly he is multi-cultural) but because he is so influential. When he speaks you feel him and ever word he says and you really feel a sense of motivation. He is a really driven man, and it shows cause he won something that no one thought he would. I will end off with this which was a quote I heard yesterday in the midst of all the things related to the Inauguration that I watched, " Rosa sat so Martin could walk, Martin walked so Obama could run, and Obama ran so We can Fly"!!! Yes we can... all of us!
I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

About Me

- ms. undastood
- A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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