I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

I am strong ... I am woman hear me roar!!!

About Me

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A passionate, smart, educated, loving, black female, college graduate, who is strong and finding her way in this insane world! Disclaimer: I am by no means a professional writer SO DON'T JUDGE ME!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue

So what the fuck is up with THE BABY MAMA'S of the world & their entitlement issues??? I'm soooo over these little young ass broads going around addressing themselves as "such & such's baby mama". First off, bitch you don't have a name? Second, you don't have an identity for yourself outside of being the mother of this child for this man? I am soo disgusted with these baby mama's getting on they high horse feeling all entitled to this man just because his sperm met up with your egg. Let's be honest bitch, if it wasn't your egg it would have been someone else's so you're not that special... you can have a baby & so can the next girl! Your uterus doesn't make you superior!

These women going around calling themselves BABY MAMAS, out here having these babies out of wedlock may be to trap a man or whatever the reason is.. They are so lost! And by no means am I judging women for having kids out of wedlock, hell my mother was a single parent and NOT EVER DID SHE EVER CALL HERSELF A BABY MAMA! But these baby mama's, whom truly don't have any other title in their life besides being a baby mama, are soo stuck! Like that's all you want in life is to be a BABY MAMA, you didn't think about maybe becoming a wife?

These little young broads are so wrapped up in that man who impregnated them, getting so caught out there with this "Baby Mama" title they have created for themselves (because let's be honest that is all you will be). I have had 2 baby mama encounters in my life and both times this young woman addressed herself as "The Baby Mama" not ohhh my name is such and such I'm the mother of such and such...nothing! My thoughts of course are that this broad doesn't think highly of herself & she is so caught up in her emotions for this man! This man who by the way has moved on & decided to start a new life with someone else. Yes you will forever be the mother of his child but YALL ARE NOT FUCKING TOGETHER ANYMORE!
Ya'll not together I don't give a FUCK     Bitch I am his BABY MAMA

Women please stop going around addressing yourself as baby mama's or even letting the father of that child address you as his baby mama... Its degrading & if you have any self worth you would never let yourself be demeaned to just a baby mama! Yes being a mother is a great accomplishment but it is not who you are it doesn't define you but it is just a piece of the puzzle that makes you ... You!

And men stop putting these broads on a pedestal just because she is the mother of your child. Yeah that's all great and dandy and yes you need to show her the utmost respect at all times because of that, but stop playing victim to these hoes and their entitlement issues! Stop appeasing to their every whim just because you need to stay on her good side! THE FUCK.. If you're a good father & you are on your shit .. That bitch should never have anything sideways to say to you... And if she does I need for yall to go, grow you a pair of balls and find a lawyer! Plain & simple! Stop letting these broads feel like they are ENTITLED to being your baby mama! If you don't know how to seperate being a father from being that womans man.. Than you need to go talk to a REAL man who has been there done that! You can be a great daddy to a child and not have a relationship with it's mother outside of being parents! So stop being victims of The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue & stop dating new girls who are willing & accepting of the fact that you have a child and also make them victims of The Baby Mama Entitlement Issue.. We don't have time for that shit!   Live, Laugh, Learn!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Racism Still Alive... thriving on Social Networks

In the midst of all that is going on in this country right now I felt it necessary to write this post.
I am appalled at the level of ignorance in America. I feel that today even in spite of us overcoming and achieving the top most prestigious honor of having a black President, there is still this racism lingering around putting a bad taste in everyone's mouth!

I look back in history at all the things that people had to endure to get us rights, equality, and even just for "black" to be socially acceptable. And now even in 2012 we still are being attacked with racial undertones.
Social media has given a lot of people a voice that they truly don't have otherwise. They get to hide behind twitter or facebook and say shit that they normally wouldn't dare say out loud. LOOK, this is it... let me tell you first hand that your social media site (whether it be twitter, facebook, you tube, whatever) is suppose to be a direct reflection of you, stop saying stuff for show!! I tweet things that give you insight into who I am as a person, no need to lie for a RT or more followers. I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF PEOPLE PERPETRATING ON TWITTER ACTING LIKE SOMETHING THEY AREN'T.  OR BETTER YET.. THEY HAVE BEEN LIVING THEIR LIVES AS A LIE AND NOW THEY HAVE THE "COURAGE" TO BE THEM VIA INTERNET! HAVE A DAMN SEAT PLEASE!!!!
 Yes it is your page and you should have the right to state your opinion on your page. But some folks have gone too damn far!

One of my favorite things to watch on Youtube is a web series called The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl! It is a great show funny, witty, and I can relate to it! But to make a long story short she won a Shorty Award for it! (YAYYY she deserves it) However, the backlash from her winning that Shorty Award was crazy, people on twitter talking about "I can't believe I lost to a niggerette", and "of course the black one wins"! WTF excuse me! Read her response here!!!

Another example, I was having a conversation last night with one of my male friends and we had this same discussion about how people get this "courage" to say ignorant shit via twitter. He was telling me about The Hunger Games (and no I haven't read the book or seen the movie) but he was telling me how the book described some of the main characters and how they came out in the actual motion picture. He talked about how people were so outraged that one of the main characters was portrayed in the movie by a black girl! He told me that in the book though she was described as having a darker complexion, so he couldn't understand why so many people were so bothered by the casting choice! I take it that this girls character was a major one in the story and I was told that she had a very powerful, moving death scene that made a lot of people very emotional when reading the book. But the same people who were balling in tears reading the book, went to the movies and saw she was black & had the audacity to say "oh she's black oh I don't care anymore about her dying" and "damn why did they make her character black"! ARE U KIDDING ME!  Oh so because she doesn't look like you her death is of no importance or loses value! This is the problem... This is why there is a dead 17 year old in Florida in a coffin, in a grave while his known killer is chillin!

Ignorance is running rampant in this country and it needs to be stopped. Assumptions, racial profiling, stereotyping... All of it is ignorance!  I didn't even know how many people in this country felt the way they feel about black people... Don't be fooled there are a lot! "Racism still alive they just be concealing It"... A famous line by Kanye West and I believe it more than ever today. Even right now with all of the tension in the country over the Trayvon Martin situation people still don't see the error in their ways. We are ALL people, we all bleed red blood and breath oxygen! God made us visibly different but not to tear us apart or to have dumbass racist use twitter to be passive aggressive. If you have an issue with black people don't hide behind your social network account...regardless of your issue, you are still wrong... WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL! A person with an ignorant perception can only see what they want! Maybe if some people's perception was different Trayvon Martin would still be alive. CHANGE! Live Love Learn!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Trayvon Martin.... giving a voice to the silenced

Trayvon Martin was senselessly killed on February 26th. I didn't hear about his story until March 16th when the 911 tapes were released. I had seen a few people talking about #Justice4TrayvonMartin on my timeline but I didn't know what they were talking about. So on that Friday I googled him and from that moment on my heart and my soul was disturbed.

Trayvon Martin was a high school seniorwho played football. This 17 year old was headed back to his father's house during half-time of the NBA finals with Skittles and Iced Tea in hand. It was raining a bit outside so naturally he had on a hoodie, but it is that very hoodie that led George Zimmerman to racially profile this young man. As the 911 tapes suggest Zimmerman spotted Martin and assumed that he was up to no good. A friend of Zimmerman reported this week that there had been a series of burglaries and break-ins in the gated housing community recently and that George Zimmerman was fed up. That's cool and understandable, if I was the neighborhood watch captain I would be tired of having constant crimes happening on my watch also. Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher "These assholes always get away",it can be concluded that there has not been an arrest made in the past burglaries in the community. However, if there had not been an arrest made..... HOW DID HE KNOW THEY WERE BLACK? Did he just assume that all black men walking in hoodies are criminals up to no good! CLEARLY!! George Zimmerman was fed up and he decided to take matters into his own hands. From the moment he saw Trayvon Martin walking back into the gated community he had predetermined he was a criminal and that he intended to do something about it! In my eyes that is grounds for premeditated murder! He got out his vehicle and pursued Trayvon Martin, even after the 911 dispatcher told his ass to stay put!

Trayvon Martin was minding his own business, on the phone with one of his friends trying to make it back to the house before half-time was over. Witnesses and Zimmerman say that a fight broke out after Zimmerman approached Trayvon. But let's be real...if someone you didn't know was following you and confronted you what would you do... Try and run or defend yourself. Trayvon tried but he was fatally shot in the chest by Zimmerman's 9mm gun. This young man had to lose his life over a hoodie, he looked suspicious!

George Zimmerman is a bastard, the most Eff'd up part of all of this is that this muthaf'er is not even sitting in jail. They let him go that night. WHERE THE HELL IS IT OK TO SHOOT AND KILL SOMEONE AND YOU GET TO GO HOME AND SLEEP IN YOUR BED THAT NIGHT?? Trayvon Martin was killed nearly a month ago and the Sanford PD have yet to make an arrest. Zimmerman claimed self defense but what was he defending himself against...some skittles and an iced tea?

My heart breaks to know that this fat bastard is at home chillin while this boy is in a grave! The Sanford PD and Zimmerman need to be prosecuted. Homicide police didn't even report to the scene, Narcotics did! They ran a background check on Trayvon Martin as he laid dead on the wet ground, but not on Zimmerman! They took a blood sample on Trayvon Martin but not on Zimmerman. THEY LET ZIMMERMAN GO, but took Trayvon Martin's body to the morgue as a John Doe because they failed to ask any of the neighbors if he lived there! This story makes me sick and brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. I have a 15 year old brother and he could very damn well have to face a situation like this due to his black face... He is suspicious! I have taken time out to use my voice everyday to spread the word and get the info out there about this injustice. I plan to use all means of communication twitter, facebook, my blog, youtube, whatever I can to make people more aware. The fact that there aren't enough people as outraged as I am bothers me, but just a month ago everyone was going hard for Stop Kony 2012. Ya'll care about what happens 3,000 miles away but don't care about the shit that happens in your own backyard.. O_o!

Below I have attached a few articles and a link to the 911 tapes.
Why Black People Don't Trust The Police
The 911 Tapes
Below is an article by Michael Skolnik.... It is soo good and it gives a different kind of perspective definite must read and share with friends!
White People, You Will Never Look Suspicious Like Trayvon Martin by Michael Skolnik | Global Grind

Live Laugh LEARN

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Struggle... Cont....

Do you know what it is like to wake up stressed? How do you have a good nights rest but wake up a big ball of anxiety? I just recently celebrated my 25th birthday. I have had a phenomenal 5 day celebration with good friends and I am so happy and thankful for it. But the scope of my problems and my troubles are still here.

The Lord did recently bless me with a part-time job, which I am so grateful for regardless if it is what I saw myself doing or not. The biggest part of this 2 month struggle, and what I like to believe is God's message for me is sacrifice & patience. I have been wanting things my way for so long. I have to remind myself, hey God doesn't work like that. Everything that I have been praying for (this dream job, great pay, good benefits, with a business casual atmosphere) may not be what is in God's will for my life. We have to remember that just because we want it doesn't mean it is what is in God's will for us. I have lost focus over this past week... But I'm ready to get back strong in the Word and being focused on the mission at hand! I'm trying to figure out what God wants me to do and what his plan is so that I can at least get myself in position for whatever it may be.

Also this week I have really found another passion of mine in speaking up and out for those who have been silenced! I'm speaking about Trayvon Martin, the 17 year old killed in cold blood on his way back from the store with Skittles, and an Iced Tea! I will definitely have a whole post on this coming soon... I was too emotional about it when I first heard to even begin to get my thoughts together to make a good post! I have been speaking up and speaking out using all means of communication to get the word out there and to make people more aware of this boy's story and his tragic end. Stay tuned.. Greatness coming... In the meantime Live, Laugh, Love 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rainy Days Brighter Tomorrow

I woke up today to a rainstorm, (strange because the sun has been blaring every morning this week). Most people would be discouraged and unhappy with this (normally I would too). But, I have been reading these morning devotionals by Rick Warren on my Bible app on my phone everyday. I'm only on Day 13 of the reading (which will be a year plan). The messages have been all about goals, and finding out what your purpose is on earth, and tapping into the gifts & limitations that you have in your life. GREAT STUFF!

I'm sitting here today going back a few days in the reading plan thinking about some key points from all of them. Do you know what your Destiny is? God gives us all gifts that we are to use not for ourselves & the betterment of ourselves but for others. "What has God given you for good use for good?"

I also learned "not to let limitations limit" the vision. That was such an awesome message I have put the link to read here ---> http://www.youversion.com/notes/4827021/rick-warren-s-daily-devotional.(check out the whole book of Esther) I also learned that if you aren't quite sure what your destiny is (which I'm not) to take a look at the things that get you fired up. What are you passionate about? In this year so far I have figured out I am passionate about health care, politics, and trying to figure people out to be of assistance to them. I don't know what I will do with these things but I hate to see people hurting and sad. Like when I see homeless people it bothers me, and I always try and give them some cash (if I have it because I never carry cash). I'm a firm believer in being blessed to be a blessing!

I'm sitting here on this rainy morning and I'm grateful for the rain! I'm happy that it is raining on the last day of the month... I need this! In some kind of way the rain is a representation of washing away of pain and strife of this month! I refuse to go into March with the same load of garbage from February, so I'm happy the rain came to wash away this atmosphere of negativity surrounding me. I need to get on with my vision (well at least figure out what it is)! Live Laugh Love

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Faith Without Works...

When I think about the journey that my life has taken, I know that if it had not been for God's grace in my life I would not be here today. I woke up today feeling really discouraged really lost and just hopeless.

I have been laid off from work for 2 months now, company cut backs and budget reform. It hurt to lose that job (which was an awesome job) but I didn't worry or get down. I packed up my desk and left, knowing that God was going to take care of it all. Now here it is 2 months later, hundreds of resumes later and I am still making it.

But this morning I lost sight of that. I forgot how much I have overcome by the grace of God. This morning I was down and out sad at the direction my life is going, or should I say the lack of direction my life is going. I feel like I have no real plan, no real goal I am striving for nothing that I am building towards, and for this I feel hopeless. I guess I feel like I should be doing more, doing something with this time that God has given me. I think about how busy I was when I was working my 9 to 5 everyday and how much I didn't get finished due to me having that full-time job. But now I have all the time and all the freedom to complete and do so much yet I haven't. My cousin told me that God is giving me this time to sort through things and to get myself prepared. I should be taking this time and reading, learning and trying to enhance myself and my resume. I haven't made a plan, I haven't barely had any job interviews. I am discouraged yet not defeated. My cousin, who is my counselor (spiritually and mentally at times,  Check out my Cousin's blog... she is a beautiful inspiration) definitely help me to bring things back into perspective today. She reminded me to pray and that Faith without works is dead. That was it... FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. I had been feeling like I was doing so much but in all actuality I have been doing the bare minimum trying to get by and get a pass off of just that. Its not good enough! I am constantly reminding people around me that anything in life that you want you have to work for. It is mentioned in the Bible at James 2:17 & 26. I need to put in more work somewhere in my life, not quite sure where but somewhere. I need to stop BSing!!!

I don't know what God has in store for me but I plan to keep praying. My cousin gave me Mark 14:1-9 to read, briefly telling me "God says do what you can and He will do what you can't". Live, Laugh, Love!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I hate hitting my blog with these random post trying to play catch up. I keep telling myself I am going to do better with posting things, and I will do good for a little while and then fall off again. I was reading a blog about being vulnerable and I thought to myself, hey that's pretty much what my whole blog is about.... BEING VULNERABLE (along with hitting you with some knowledge of current events and what not). So this is just a brief prelude to let you know about the great things to come (and I say this like I have a whole lot of people actually reading my blog *sigh*).

Great things coming:
Laid Off - Taking Time Loving me and Loving God
GOP Candidates
2 Corinthians and what it taught me
My Natural Journey (and Great Links for hair tips)
RIP Whitney Houston
The 54h Grammy's
Club Paradise- Drake Concert